How Do The Light Responsive Lenses Work?

As the name suggests, light responsive lenses are those lenses that are designed specifically to be used indoors, but automatically get dark when exposed to the sunlight. Thus, they practically eliminate the use of sunglasses to a large extent. These types of lenses are considered to be the best for those people who wear lenses throughout the day.

How Do The Light Responsive Lenses Work?

As the name suggests, light responsive lenses are those lenses that are designed specifically to be used indoors, but automatically get dark when exposed to the sunlight. Thus, they practically eliminate the use of sunglasses to a large extent. These types of lenses are considered to be the best for those people who wear lenses throughout the day.

How Does The Light Responsive Lenses Work?

You must be wondering as to how these types of lenses even work. The science behind these lenses is that they are essentially regular lenses with some molecules that get activated when exposed to the sunlight causing them to automatically change their color. However, it is important to note that UV rays can easily penetrate through the clouds as well. Therefore, these lenses have been designed in such a way that they change their color even during cloudy days.

The most fascinating feature of such types of lenses is that the color of the lenses changes depending on the sunlight and the intensity of the UV rays. Thus, when the sun is at its peak during the noon, the lenses will be darker compared to their color in the evening.

How do light responsive lenses work?

You must be wondering as to how these types of lenses even work. The science behind these lenses is that they are essentially regular lenses with some molecules that get activated when exposed to the sunlight causing them to automatically change their color. However, it is important to note that UV rays can easily penetrate through the clouds as well. Therefore, these lenses have been designed in such a way that they change their color even during cloudy days.

The most fascinating feature of such types of lenses is that the color of the lenses changes depending on the sunlight and the intensity of the UV rays. Thus, when the sun is at its peak during the noon, the lenses will be darker compared to their color in the evening.

Are Light Responsive Lenses Beneficial For You?

Not only do they help make a style statement, but also have great benefits. There are several perks of using such type of lenses which are discussed below:

Are Light Responsive Lenses Beneficial For You?

Not only do they help make a style statement, but also have great benefits. There are several perks of using such type of lenses which are discussed below:

1. Convenient

As it can be understood from the description itself, these lenses can work both indoors as well as outdoors. Moreover, you do not have to worry about changing your lenses every time you step out in the sun because they work as sunglasses too.

2. UV Protection

If we are exposed to UV ways for long, then the risk of contracting cataract and other eye conditions increases. This gets more problematic during old age. These lenses are designed such that they protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. UV rays are able to penetrate in the house through the windows as well and thus, it is important to protect your eyes even when you are indoors.

1. Makes you look fresh

If you are wearing glasses, you will look fresher as compared to otherwise. This is common mostly when your eyes look tired and need something to lift them up. To look fresh even when you are not, there are two ways which a person can adopt, i.e. either to wear make-up or wear glasses. If we think economically, then buying a pair of glasses is the most feasible one as apart from being cheap, it has some other perks as well.

2. UV Protection

If we are exposed to UV ways for long, then the risk of contracting cataract and other eye conditions increases. This gets more problematic during old age. These lenses are designed such that they protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. UV rays are able to penetrate in the house through the windows as well and thus, it is important to protect your eyes even when you are indoors.

1. Convenient

As it can be understood from the description itself, these lenses can work both indoors as well as outdoors. Moreover, you do not have to worry about changing your lenses every time you step out in the sun because they work as sunglasses too.

2. UV Protection

If we are exposed to UV ways for long, then the risk of contracting cataract and other eye conditions increases. This gets more problematic during old age. These lenses are designed such that they protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. UV rays are able to penetrate in the house through the windows as well and thus, it is important to protect your eyes even when you are indoors.

3. Blue Light Protection

In today’s world, we are always using screens in one way or the other; thanks to the numerous technological advancements. Be it for work or leisure, we have to use phones, tablets, computers, etc. Screens tend to radiate blue light which is harmful for the eyes. Transition lenses work well in blocking these rays out, thus not only protecting your eyes from UV rays but also blue rays.

4. Multiple Lens Designs

Just like any other normal lens, transition lenses also come in different designs. They are available in bifocals, multifocal, and high-index lenses. Therefore, irrespective of what type of lenses your eye needs, these lenses are easily available in the market.

3. Blue Light Protection

In today’s world, we are always using screens in one way or the other; thanks to the numerous technological advancements. Be it for work or leisure, we have to use phones, tablets, computers, etc. Screens tend to radiate blue light which is harmful for the eyes. Light Responsive lenses work well in blocking these rays out, thus not only protecting your eyes from UV rays but also blue rays.

4. Multiple Lens Designs

Just like any other normal lens, light responsive lenses also come in different designs. They are available in bifocals, multifocal, and high-index lenses. Therefore, irrespective of what type of lenses your eye needs, these lenses are easily available in the market.

5. Economical

For every person who wears lenses, buying two pairs of them goes without saying. One for indoors and one for outdoors, i.e. sunglasses. This means you have to spend twice for the same product. We are all aware how expensive that can be, especially if the commodity is for daily use. However, if you switch to using light responsive lenses, they will save you a lot of money. You can just purchase a pai and you are good to go, as you can wear them indoors as well as outdoors. This will even save you from the trouble of carrying around two pairs of lenses whenever you go out for some work or for leisure trips.

6. Variety of shades

You might think that light responsive lenses are available in only a single color, however, this is not the case. The specialists were aware that every person has different requirements and preferences when it comes to the color and shade of their sunglasses. This is why they developed these light responsive lenses in such a manner that they are available in multiple shades which makes it easy for the customers to choose from without having to make any compromise on their preferences.

3. Blue Light Protection

In today’s world, we are always using screens in one way or the other; thanks to the numerous technological advancements. Be it for work or leisure, we have to use phones, tablets, computers, etc. Screens tend to radiate blue light which is harmful for the eyes. Light responsive lenses work well in blocking these rays out, thus not only protecting your eyes from UV rays but also blue rays.

4. Multiple Lens Designs

Just like any other normal lens, light responsive lenses also come in different designs. They are available in bifocals, multifocal, and high-index lenses. Therefore, irrespective of what type of lenses your eye needs, these lenses are easily available in the market.

5. Economical

For every person who wears lenses, buying two pairs of them goes without saying. One for indoors and one for outdoors, i.e. sunglasses. This means you have to spend twice for the same product. We are all aware how expensive that can be, especially if the commodity is for daily use. However, if you switch to using light responsive lenses, they will save you a lot of money. You can just purchase a pai and you are good to go, as you can wear them indoors as well as outdoors. This will even save you from the trouble of carrying around two pairs of lenses whenever you go out for some work or for leisure trips.

6. Variety of shades

You might think that light responsive lenses are available in only a single color, however, this is not the case. The specialists were aware that every person has different requirements and preferences when it comes to the color and shade of their sunglasses. This is why they developed these light responsive lenses in such a manner that they are available in multiple shades which makes it easy for the customers to choose from without having to make any compromise on their preferences.

How to Decide If You Should Wear Light Responsive Glasses or Not?

Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. Therefore, it is important that you first consult an eye-doctor or a specialist before switching to light responsive glasses. Even though they do not harm your eyes in any manner, to find the perfect pair for your eyes is something that requires discussion and knowledge about the eyes. Therefore, we highly recommend that you book an appointment with your eye doctor and discuss this with them.

Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. Therefore, it is important that you first consult an eye-doctor or a specialist before switching to light responsive glasses. Even though they do not harm your eyes in any manner, to find the perfect pair for your eyes is something that requires discussion and knowledge about the eyes. Therefore, we highly recommend that you book an appointment with your eye doctor and discuss this with them.

Final Thoughts

As it can be understood from this article, light responsive lenses are great in itself and have many features as well. The perks of wearing these lenses are undebatable. However, as we have mentioned, how well it suits your eyes depends entirely on the power of your eyes and therefore, it is important to consult with your eye specialist before making this change.

As it can be understood from this article, light responsive lenses are great in itself and have many features as well. The perks of wearing these lenses are undebatable. However, as we have mentioned, how well it suits your eyes depends entirely on the power of your eyes and therefore, it is important to consult with your eye specialist before making this change.